South Sudan

Issues Facing Women and Girls in the South Sudan


Families force girls into marriage to survive food scarcity.


Due to war, orphans and refugee children are at increased risk for trafficking.


Civil war and terrorism have heightened violence against girls and women.


The women and girls we work to empower have endured chaos, violence, and displacement all throughout their lives.

In She Is Safe Transformation Groups, we equip women to support each other to succeed in business. Even during conflict, people buy food, water and clothes. Women in groups of 12-20 learn of God’s love, participate in savings and lending, and develop income-generating skills. She Is Safe Transformation Groups help to create role models of survival, industry and dignity for the next generation.


A Stronger Future
for Families

Without help, women in Zeneb’s community in South Sudan are vulnerable to violence, famine and extreme poverty. But Zeneb was praying for God to change things for her. When we offered to train her to facilitate self-help Transformation Groups, she enthusiastically signed up. Equipped with our training, she began keeping the books for her group and teaching women how to save and lend money together.

Her group was able to save about $100 in a few months. Zeneb took out a small loan to open a restaurant and hired two other women to work with her, so they, too, could feed their children.

Even while surviving war, Zeneb and the women in her group bring encouragement, income and robust faith to each other. Their tenacity and industry set examples for their daughters who will see God answer prayer with pathways forward.

You can rescue her from a life of slavery.