Give Now
We offer multiple convenient ways for you to donate towards She Is Safe including:
For large gifts, fewer fees are exacted to the ministry in a wire transfer of funds directly from your financial institution.
Credit card payments make a one-time or recurring donation
ACH/Bank transfer directly from your bank account
Mobile payments such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Microsoft Pay
Digital wallets like PayPal, Venmo, or even Bitcoin
Wire transfers and stock gifts: contact us for instructions on how to wire funds or transfer stocks
Thank you for your commitment to combating abuse and exploitation and equipping women and girls to build lives of freedom and faith for a strong future!
While online giving on our secure website is convenient, She Is Safe incurs percentage fees for processing and credit card fees. Those fees can add up to thousands for large gifts. However you choose to give, we greatly appreciate your support to free and equip women and girls. Want to learn more about our processing and credit card fees? Just click here.
Prefer to write a check? Make checks payable to She Is Safe and mail to:
She Is Safe
515 East Crosville Road
Suite 320, Roswell, GA 30075.
We recommend sending your check with a tracking number to ensure its safe delivery, especially with recent Postal Service delays.
Planned Giving
She Is Safe partners with the National Christian Foundation (NCF) to offer guidance on donor-advised funds, bequests, wills, annuities, and property liquidation, helping maximize the impact of your estate.
You can improve your income, enjoy tax savings, and extend faith and freedom to those in need. For over 36 years, NCF has been a leader in strategic charitable giving. Their team of attorneys provides pre-tax strategies for appreciated assets.
To learn more, contact:
Maureen Starr, Director of Giver Services, NCF Georgia
[email protected] | 678-892-1868
Did you know that many companies match their employees’ donations to organizations like She Is Safe?
Check here to see if your employer can multiply the impact of your gift.
Need to discuss your donation? Email us at [email protected]
She Is Safe is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Our tax ID number is 22-3886094.